Hacktivism is when people employ the use of
hacking for activist purposes as a form of political or social protest.
Hacktivists believe that citizen have the right to be informed and that if
corporations and governments are not willing to provide citizens with
information, then citizen have the right to hack and expose this information
for themselves and for the greater public.
Over the years hacktivism has been a topic
of concern.
While some people see hacktivism as a form of positive protest and as a push
towards freedom of information, other see hacktivism as being negative in that
it is the illegal access of information that can threaten both personal and
government security.
One of the biggest and most controversial
hakctivist organizations is Anonymous. Anonymous has
deface government and corporate website along with hacking and shutting down
numerous child pornographic sites. They have done some good things,
however, in the process they have often leaked personal information potentially
putting people at risk.
While I believe in the freedom of
information, when it comes down to it, there is some information that
should remain privet. Bringing down illegal organization is
commendable and I am all for it. However, I do not agree with the leaking
of personal information. In 2015 a group know as Impact
Team, claiming to be a hacktivist organization, hacked the dating
site Ashley Madison and
leaked account details that included users credit card info, emails,
names, and addresses. This is a form of supposed hacktivism that I do not agree
with. There was no real activist purpose behind this hack. People may not agree
with the Ashley Madison website, however, hacking and sharing peoples personal
information does not accomplish anything. The people who use this
site have families and jobs and what they choose to do in their
personal time is no ones business. By sharing these peoples personal information Impact
Team put the lives and livelihoods of these people at risk.
Overall hacktivism, if done responsibly, can be a
successful form of activism. That said, not all groups claiming to be
hacktivists use hacking in responsibly manner. There are
those organizations that abuse the phenomenon of hacktivism and use
it as an excuse to perpetrate criminal activity and steal and
share people’s personal information.